Saturday, June 03, 2006

In Other News...

I weep for the future.

I served 6 prom kids tonight, and 2 of the little bastards stiffed me. With prom tables, there's always that chance, but I really was pulling for these kids, I wanted to believe that they were "in the know" about dining out, but they failed me. Little punks.

So I roll in 20 minutes early, and Jo-Jo the boy wonder (host) says "you got a 16 top, and they're here already" So I hit the ground arollin'. I served the "16" (which actually was an 18) with my magical ninja server skills, and got 'em up to 764, which I figured was a good way to start the day, even if I succumb to the all to easy "Auto-grat." of the house, 15 percent before tax was something like 109, and it was still daylight. Anyways, hoping for the golden 140 (20%), I rolled the dice, and let the guest decide the tip...dude left me 110, I am happy.

Then, they showed up

They showed up, and I was ready for em'. (or so I thought)

I quickly and efficiently flew through them. 3 seafood fetts, a veggie pasta that I made up myself for a weedeater (Fett w/asparagus, brocollini, and bell pepper in an alfredo), 1 Large Caesar salad (no shrimp or crab or calamari, just the ceasar), 1 Shrimp Scampi, a coke, a diet coke, a sprite, an iced tea, and a "just a straw for my water", no appetizers, no dessert, 3 separate checks, 40.00, 21.07, and something like 36 er so, one credit card, 2 20's, a 20 and a few ones, and it's back to the table with the check presenters...And then...

10$ tip on the card (36$), 4 dollar tip on the 21.07, and then... nothing.

Bupkis. Whatever happend to manners? Don't the rich private schools up here teach kids manners? There ceartainly is a lot of them up here, and the publics don't look too underfunded from where I'm standing, so why are they churning out little brats?

Still a decent night. Put some money away for the car :)

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